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Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is a warm African country with picturesque beaches and diverse nature

Want to visit Sierra Leone?

Sierra Leone is an amazing place to visit! This beautiful country is located on the west coast of Africa and is full of unique natural attractions.

What is there to see in Sierra Leone? You should head to its capital city, Freetown, where you can enjoy beautiful beaches and explore historical sites. On your own, you can walk the streets of the city and see its authentic atmosphere. Sierra Leone's nature parks and reserves are also amazing places to visit, where you can come face to face with the wildlife of this unique country. Make your trip unforgettable and discover the beauty and diversity of Sierra Leone!

Planning a trip to Sierra Leone? Find out about visa requirements. Depending on the country, you may need a visa. We provide visa assistance to make the process easier for you. Explore country information and must-see places to visit in Sierra Leone on our website. Ready to discover the amazing beauty of this country? Contact us for more information on attractions, visa requirements and services. Let us make your trip to Sierra Leone unforgettable!

Sierra Leone attracts tourists with its diversity and uniqueness. It is a place where everyone will find something special for themselves. Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in this wonderful world and make unforgettable memories.

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Find out more about entry permits for Sierra Leone


Interesting facts about Sierra Leone

- The capital, Freetown, emerged from the slave market and received repatriated slaves from Jamaica.
- English is the official language, but it is rarely spoken.
- Sierra Leone has a typical tropical climate with high humidity and constant temperatures, making it ideal for beach holidays all year round.
- Sierra Leone is famous for its diamond deposits. One of the largest diamonds in the world, the Star of Sierra Leone, was found here in 1972.
- 90 per cent of the population belongs to the 20 largest local tribes.
- Illiteracy is high: 50 per cent of men and three quarters of women are illiterate.
- The first documented production of Hamlet took place in Sierra Leone in 1607.
- Bordered by Liberia and Guinea, population equal to St Petersburg.
- Abundant mangroves on local shores.
- Crocodiles are a danger, especially outside the cities.
- Malaria is widespread, access to medicines is limited.
- Predominantly Muslim population with Christian and Aboriginal customs.
- Tony Blair was appointed Supreme Leader in 2007 for promoting peace efforts.
- The national cuisine excludes meat products.
- Most of the population lives in poverty.
- Old minibuses or lorries are used as public transport.
- Poor internet connection with limited access, mainly in the capital.

Planning a trip to Sierra Leone?

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